Auto-flex business

Growth marketing

Auto-flex business

Let’s develop an autonomous business


How does it work?

Learn about the Auto-flex effect

The Auto-Flex business, an automated sales model, uses artificial intelligence technology to develop autonomous businesses, responsible for automatically and systematically managing the sales process. In addition, we use our artificial intelligence tools to create branding and the brand’s website.

By owning an autonomous business, you have access to the latest in technology. Additionally, with Auto-Flex, Miiles makes sure to build a digital admin panel on your website that makes brand management easy.


Auto-flex system functionalities

These are some of the functions that the auto-flex business performs:

Market research

Package design


Competition study

Pricing strategies

Customer tracking


Content plan for social networks

Sensory marketing

Web design (UX & UI)



Start today

Invest to generate brand value & positioning

When you decide to invest in Auto-Flex mechanics, Miiles is committed to boosting your business and making a difference. Our artificial intelligence systems are designed to fit all budgets; Even with an initial investment of less than $100, you can begin to transform your business.

With auto-flex mechanics we seek to generate three effects: brand positioning, brand valued and revenue.